Free VST Plugins: Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo & Pitch


This is a list of totally free vst plugins in the category chorus, flanger, tremolo  pitch and other effect plugins.  Chorus and flanger effects use a doubling (or x’ing) of the sound source with a slight change in pitch or an small added delay to the second sample in order to create a resonance beating. The tremolo simply is a repetitive change in amplitude of a sound source. Pitch effects are effects that influnce the pitch of a sound like for example pitch shifter or harmoniser.

Free VST Plugins: Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo & Pitch

Name Type System
Pluginboutique Collection Various Windows, Mac
SH1 Chorus, LFO Multi  Chorus, LFO Windows
Mflanger, MComb, MPhaser, MTremolo <- Windows, Mac
Pechneg VST Tremolo Windows, Mac
Scratch It Tape Stop Windows
Big Effects Collection Various Windows, Mac
Tal Vocoder, Chorus, Filter Windows, Mac
Rp-Amod Phaser, Flanger, Chorus Windows, Mac
GSnap Autotune Windows, Mac
Extraboy Vocal Remover, Vocoder Windows
Glitch 1.3 Glitch Effects Windows
Don’t Crack All Kinds of VST’s Windows, Mac

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By |2018-11-21T14:52:18+00:00November 20th, 2018|Categories: music production|0 Comments

About the Author:

Who is writing? Dario, a german-born internet citizen, professional music producer, composer, teacher, blogger and internet entrepreneur who likes to help you become a well rounded music producer!

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