Episode 23 Paula Deen AI Audio Scam for Keto Health ACV Gummies, Explained July 17 2024

Episode 23 Paula Deen AI Audio Scam for Keto Health ACV Gummies, Explained July 17 2024

Paula Deen weight loss gummies are a scam and are not legit, and she and "Shark Tank" never endorsed or provided reviews for any products of the CBD or keto gummies variety, such as Keto Health ACV Gummies or ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies, with ACV meaning apple cider vinegar, ever. I noticed ads going around on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network, all on Meta, that included Paula Deen's image and likeness, as well as artificial intelligence (AI) audio that made it sound like she endorsed weight loss gummies named Keto Health ACV Gummies or ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies, but it was all part of the scam. Also, by the way, sometimes scammers use product names and company names without permission when it comes to CBD scams. Not sure about keto scams, but just wanted to mention this.

In the Paula Deen weight loss gummies scam ads about products named Keto Health ACV Gummies or ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies, she claimed that Dr. Oz helped her and that she lost weight simply by taking candy-like gummies. Don't believe it. It's not legit. The reviews for her supposed endorsement of these products are all fake. Scammers have long used the image and likeness of lots of celebrities to pretend they had something to do with magic "miracle" gummies that can help you lose weight with no diet or exercise, but it's all nonsense.

If you see any of these scam ads that claim Paula Deen endorsed weight loss gummies or any kind of keto gummies, such as Keto Health ACV Gummies or ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies, please let me know in the comments down below. And if you are curious how scammers were able to replicate her voice, they used AI-voice-replication tools. The scammers simply found a lot of audio clips of Deen talking, such as interviews from talk shows and podcasts, and then fed those voice clips into the replication tools and told the tool what they wanted it to sound like she was saying.

To end this description, let me just say that Paula Deen has nothing to do with weight loss gummies or keto gummies or CBD gummies, and I want to cram one last mention here of Keto Health ACV Gummies and ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies. Stay far away from all of this. Thanks for watching.

Key moments:
0:00 Paula Deen Weight Loss Gummies Scam
0:42 The Full AI Voice Ad
1:21 Fake USA Today Article
2:23 Fake Reviews
2:40 ACV for Keto Health Keto Gummies Website
3:33 Dr. Oz Scam
4:00 Customer Service and Support Phone Number and Email Address
4:59 If You Were Scammed